Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Paddy's Waragi Wipeout

Davy's intrepid travelling partner, Paddy McGovern, has suffered an intrepid injury. During a daring rescue attempt he found himself swinging from the rafters of the NRE bar. Unfortunately this Tarzan move backfired and the young lad suffered a double break in the arm and a dislocated elbow. Hard lines - we wish him a speedy recovery...

Monday, August 14, 2006


Armed with all the Halfords pay cheques he could muster, Davy made for the heady, hedonist paradise of the White Nile. Together with side kick Paddy McG, they planned an extravaganza of boating and waragi. Once the young lad figures out how to work African computers he will post us his updates...

France 2006

Davy spent the month of June with the ICU Alpine programme in the French Alps. With his fast reactions to rescues, strong work ethic and questionable dance moves Davy proved quite the hit with all the crew, but especially the many ladies of France 06...
Yeah spent a month working on the rivers in the French Alps safety boating. Good fun days on the rivers, looking after the clients and picking up the pieces when things went wrong. The dream job, paddling everyday, good food, good wine, good rivers can't wait to get back... here's some photo's